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Welcome to



9:30 am Sunday Worship Service

1788 Elm St

Cumberland, WI

Kid's Ministry:  /ministries/kids

Youth:  /ministries/youth

Hope Online:  access the message at /sermons

Worship Links (under Resources) 


Click the photo to go to this

week's message.

We Focus on Jesus Christ

We are a group of everyday people from all walks of life who follow an extraordinary God.  Our vision is to help people

connect to God and each other to experience living in freedom and joy.  We believe Jesus Christ

is the way for this to happen.  Jesus is central to everything we do at Hope Community Church, 

and we want to live out our days

Loving God – Loving Others – Making Disciples.

After navigating our website, 

we would love to hear from you!  

Please feel free to email us at:


We desire to be an authentic community supporting each other as we travel this journey we call life on earth.  We have the same struggles, life experiences and physical hardships as everyone else, yet are empowered by God to walk in freedom and joy.

Meet our staff and leadership team:


"for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified by his grace as a gift, 

through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus."

Romans 3:23-24


God is in the business of changing lives for eternity.  As our identity changes when we become a child of God our actions change as we give control over to the Holy Spirit to transform us into new creations.  

"Come as you are."  We believe God meets us where we're at, and so we welcome you to join us wherever you are on your faith journey.



We commit to training and equipping people to confidently face the challenges of this world head-on.  Powered by the Holy Spirit, armed with the Word of God, we seek to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ, disciples who go and make disciples.

Through biblical preaching, community group studies, and service to others, we provide opportunities to grow in faith and understanding.


"...put off the old self with its practices and put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator."

Colossians 3:9b-10


Our mission from God is to share the good news.  We choose to be a sending church that is the catalyst to multiply churches in all communities bringing hope to a broken and hurting world.

God has created each one of us with unique gifts and talents. We believe the church functions best when everyone is working together to carry out God’s mission. 


"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.  And behold, l am with you always, to the end of the age."

Matthew 28:19-20

We'd love to meet you!

Location:  1788 Elm St., Cumberland, WI  54829

P.O. Box 1177

Phone: 715.822.3586


Worship:  Sundays 9:30 am

Kid's Ministry:  /ministries/kids

Youth Ministry:  /ministries/youth