The mission of our kid's ministry is to help kids connect to God and each other in an atmosphere
where they will get to know Jesus through topics and a language they can understand.
Investing in our future
The mission of our kid's ministry is to help kids connect to God and each other in an atmosphere
where they will get to know Jesus through topics and a language they can understand.
Kid's Ministry
At Hope, we understand and take seriously the discipleship of our children.
We know your hearts are to teach your children about God and his wonderfully amazing gift of salvation, so they can grow in their faith to walk boldly as followers of Jesus! And, we want to help!
Ages: Nursery: Age 3 and under
Kid's Church: Age 4 - K
Grades 1 - 2
Grades 3 - 4
Youth: Grades 5-12: /ministries/youth
Who's Involved?
Sunday mornings we provide a safe environment for kids from nursery through grade 4. Our volunteers are the heartbeat of our ministry, and it’s an honor to serve with every one of them as they love on kids each week! Every volunteer who leads in the Kid's Ministry has had a background check and is committed to making the ministry a safe, biblically relevant, and fun environment for your kids.
Kids will be dismissed to Kid's Church after worship and before the sermon for exciting opportunities for them to experience God in a language they can understand!
Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
How should I prepare my kids?
Nursery: Each Sunday, you will need to check your child into our nursery at the Kid's Ministry Check-in. We ask that you pick them up promptly after the service ends.
If your child should need you, we will locate you via text message.
Kid's Church: Each Sunday kids will be dismissed after worship,
and the teachers will meet them in the rear of the sanctuary to take them to their classroom. You are able to pre-register your children with the teachers prior to the beginning of the service at the Kid's Ministry Check-in, We ask that you pick up your child/children promptly after service at the check-in area of our Kid's Ministry.
Thank you so much for helping us as we strive to make our Kid's Ministry a safe environment for your kids to learn about Jesus.
Interested in Serving?
We would love for all of our parents to be a part of our Kids Ministry. Pick up an application from the Check-In table and
help make our church a great place for kids and their families to be!
How can we pray for you?